Website Maintenance

You local website experts for smooth operations.

Our comprehensive Website Maintenance services ensure that your website continues to be efficient, secure and up to date with content. We don’t design websites, but we can certainly look after existing ones whether they are WordPress, HTML or other popular platforms.

Reliable experts

At Auxilio IT, we take our time to understand our customers and how their business runs and future goals. Helping us tailor our website maintenance service to your business requirements.

With technology rapidly evolving and user expectations constantly rising, it’s crucial to keep your website up-to-date, secure, and optimised to deliver the best possible experience to your visitors. That’s where our website maintenance services come in.

Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing comprehensive website maintenance solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you have a small business website or a large e-commerce platform, we have the expertise to keep your website running smoothly and effectively. Take a look below on what you can expert from our services.

Get in touch to register your interest

01603 399653

Mon-Fri 09:00 – 17:00

What to expect

1. Regular Updates

We ensure that your website is always running on the latest version of content management systems (CMS), plugins, and themes. By keeping your website’s software up-to-date, we not only improve its performance but also enhance its security, protecting it from vulnerabilities and potential cyber threats.

2. Content Updates

Fresh and engaging content is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors. Our team can assist you in managing your website’s content, including text, images, videos, and more. Whether you need to update product information, publish blog posts, or add new pages, we’ve got you covered.

3. Security and Backups

Website security is a top priority. We implement robust security measures to safeguard your website from malware, hacking attempts, and data breaches. Additionally, we regularly backup your website’s data, ensuring that you can quickly recover in the event of any unforeseen circumstances.

4. Monitoring and Support

We continuously monitor your website’s performance, uptime, and security, ensuring that it remains accessible to your visitors. Our dedicated support team is available to address any issues or concerns promptly. You can rely on us to provide reliable and efficient technical support whenever you need it.

5. And More

SEO, Optmisation, Design – we can provide your website with the full-monty. By partnering with expert Web Designers, your website will be looked after with care and attention it needs.

Our simple prices, for simple Website Maintenance

Prices excluding VAT.